“Artist is not a special type of man but every man is a special type of artist.”
Art as a category has become such an important figure of all the fields that without the aura of Art any individuality would seem vague. Art department provides a platform to the students to give expressions to their ideas and innovations and bring out something new through line & form.
For senior secondary, the CBSE curriculum is followed and ‘Painting' is taught. The senior and junior art rooms is aptly equipped not only to teach but is also spacious enough to conduct workshops & competitions. The art faculty comprises of dedicated, talented & enthusiastic teachers who are always willing to strive for excellence and help in cultivating in students an aptitude for appreciation of art, building self esteem and reviving the dying Art forms like Madhubani & Worli Art.
Our students learn free hand sketching, still life study, portraiture, the landscape in water colour & oil pastels, pen & ink drawing, posters on social & political issues etc. Our students bag many prizes and bring laurels to the school in drawing competitions at State, Regional & National level.