Chemistry lab is a space where students are able to learn various chemical concepts and practice their scientific skills. The lab is well equipped to provide the best of facilities to experiment and infer the results. Students develop new knowledge with essential safety equipments and prepare samples and standards for various analysis of liquid and solid samples. This helps them to apply the scientific theories safely.

Biology lab allows the students to observe, understand and explore cells and tissues of plants using equipments like simple microscope, compound microscope etc. The lab helps students to learn about the bones and body structures through human skeleton and learn different organ systems through educational charts.
The lab enhances students’ scientific temper through various specimens, slides, models and bio-visual charts.

The Physics lab helps the students enhance their learning capabilities by doing practicals.The students work independently in lab usng equiments like vernier callipers, micrometers, screw gauges, measuring tapes, lenses, prisms etc. to widen their horizon. Experiments are explained and done with care given to intricate details so that it remains imbibed in the young minds.

The lab combines the elements of Physics, Chemistry and Biology into one space. The lab provides a comprehensive, hands-on science education to students. It promotes critical analysis skills and connects them to real life scenarios. The school also provides the students with a mobile lab-kit to observe scientific principles and learn through hands-on-experience.
The lab also helps students to understand mathematical concepts. They visualise, manipulate and learn by doing. It helps them to see how math is related to everyday life. The teachers demonstrate abstract mathematical ideas to students which develop their quantitative thinking skills.

The lab represents an interdisciplinary field as Home Science draws its content from courses in both Science and Art. It prepares young learners for the two most important goals in life - caring for their home and family and preparing for a career or vocation in life.
Students gain valuable insights into the science behind food preparation, preservation techniques and nutritional aspects of different ingredients.