The School is Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi

School Libraries  


The school  started with one library with 3000 books. Today we have three computerised , barcoded & well stocked libraries for Primary, Middle & Senior segment separately. We have numerous books subscribed magazines and newspapers. For the collection search of libraries search option is provided in our software for the students and staff.

Activities of libraries to inculcate reading habits among students :

1.Donate book, receive book drives:

  • At the end of the session students donate their old books to library which are given to the needy students.
  • Old books which are to be written off from the library are kept on sale for students at a nominal price to promote reading .

2.Book Fair/Book Week :

  • Book Week: We conduct book week every year. During the book week, various activities and workshops such as story telling, quiz, bookmark making, cartoon making  etc. are conducted for the students.
  • Book Fair : Various Book Fairs of different publishers are conducted in the school such as scholastic, scholar hubs, innovative books etc. Books are displayed on PTM days for browsing of students and parents.
  • We often visit to various Book Fairs such as Delhi Book Fair,World Book fair, Jodo Gyan fair.

3.Meet the Author Session:

  • Authors and scholars are invited to school . Various sessions have been organised for the students such as session by Sh. Prakash Manu , a famous hindi writer and famous cartoonist Ajit Narayan  and famous story teller Mr. Sanjay Mattoo etc.

4.Reading time:

  • A weekly period is used for reading by students and staff.
  1. Distribution of magazines/newsletters : Primary Plus and  Students World magazine  is distributed to students.
  2. DEAL Activity - Drop Everything And Listen Activity is carried out with children in order to enhance their listening skills and improve their retention power.
  3. DEAR Activity - Drop Everything And Read Activity is carried out to help the children improve their reading skills and develop their interest in reading books, newspapers, magazines etc.



  • We conduct mega talent competition every year for students.
  • We provide reference service to students and teachers while using the library.
  1. Book review:  Book reviews are written by students from library’s books and Best Reader title is given to students.


  • Celebration of important days
  • List of new arrivals
  • Quote for the day
  • Glimpses of Headlines
  • Names of Best Readers


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Haryana - 121003
Phone : 0129-4279200
E-Mail : davpssec37fbd@gmail.com
Website : dav37.edu.in

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