Colour Celebrations
Objective: 1. To make children aware of the Primary
colours and how to make secondary colours.
2. To help children recognize colours from
1. Red Week Celebration
2. Blue Week Celebration
3. Yellow Week Celebration
4. Green Week Celebration
5. Orange Week Celebration
Balloon printing in apple, Flowers with balloon printing
Ear bud impression in whale, Octopus with paper craft
Sun with block printing, Paper Craft ( Bird)
Headgear of Green Vegetables, Frog with hand cutout
Fish with hand impression, Ice Cream with tearing & Pasting, Paper Craft (Lion)
Day Celebrations
Objective: 1. To show gratitude, love and respect
1. Mother’s Day
2. Father’s Day
3. Teacher’s day
4. Children’s Day
Card Making
Card Making
Card Making
Card Making, Colouring
Objective: 1. To build strong cultural belief.
2. To promote social interaction and harmony
1. Baisakhi
2. 15th August
3. Rakhi
4. Janmashtmi
5. 2nd October
6. Dussehra
7. Diwali
8. Christmas
9. New Year
10. Lohri
11. 26th January
Thumb Printing in Corncob, Block printing in corncob
Colouring Activity
Rakhi Making
Matki Decoration
Art & Craft Activity,Charkha
Stick puppet of Ravana
Diya Decoration, Colouring, Making Bandhanwar
Paper Craft-- Christmas Tree, Santa’s face, Colouring
Card Making
Drawing& Colouring Activity-- Bonfire
Art & Craft—Tri colour activity
Gross Motor Skills
Walk on Shape
Jump in& out of Shape
Bouncing of Ball
Balancing Beam
Follow the path
Bowling alley
Balancing the book
Colour Race
Balloon Race
Cobbler bench
Musical Chair
Fine Motor Skills
Threading of Beads
Pouring Activity
Clay Moulding
Tearing & Pasting
Removing the tape
Peg Board Activity
Maze Play
Block/Lego Play
Cognitive Skills
Sequencing with 2-3 objects
Memory Game
( What is missing/Extra)
Follow the Pattern
Puzzles (8 to12Pc )
Visual Perception
Find the Partner
Language Development
Role Play/Dramatization
Story Telling
Show and tell
Fancy Dress
Word Antakshari
Chinese Whisper
Be Quick
Alphabet Bingo